In his masterful new book, BRAINWORK, David Sousa dispels popular brain myths and half-truths and gives us the hard facts of brain research as applicable to the workplace. Some of the new revelations run counter to long-held beliefs in organizational management. For example, the old shibboleth that “knowledge is power” is not always true. Too much knowledge overwhelms the brain’s processing systems, impairing your decision-making ability and personal success—as well as your organization’s goals and profit. In line with this, Sousa has compiled and condensed current brain research to provide the must-have information for busy executives. Organizations are dynamic entities, existing in an ever-changing world of technology and the expanding world of markets. In response, leaders must constantly find new ways to meet new challenges. Gone are the days of “it’s not personal; it’s just business.” Today’s business world requires a closer look at emotional intelligence, and the best decision makers use both their emotional brains and rational brains. Multitasking is no longer considered a coveted trait but rather a hindrance to productivity. And what happened to morality and ethical behavior? Do they even exist in business anymore? BRAINWORK explores these subjects and shows leaders how to use their brains most effectively and efficiently. In addition, it offers ways to improve thinking, control stress in the workplace, and lead by dissent. Brain health is most important, so a chapter is devoted to taking care of the brain, including what type of diet, what amount of exercise, and how much sleep is needed to maintain a healthy brain, especially as we grow older. Findings from brain research are suggesting strategies that can expand your existing cognitive networks and build new ones—in other words, make you smarter and more creative. Sousa shows you how.