“A marvelous resource for those who do not want to be limited by their beliefs. Read and learn about human potential, yours and mine.”—Bernard Siegel, M.D., author of Love, Medicine & Miracles
Speak Russian like a native, play tennis like a pro . . . and meet the challenges of a high-tech world with high-powered memory skills! Superlearning 2000 is the fast, fun, and innovative learning technique that enables you to master any skill or subject—from computers to athletics to conversational French—in a fraction of traditional learning time. Hailed by the Fortune 500 as the mental technology of the future, proven by super-achievers around the world, this revolutionary program will unlock your limitless potential, put you on the fast track to new opportunities and higher earnings . . . change forever the way you think about learning!
• How you can fine-tune your memory and learn anything 2 to 5 times faster simply by tuning in to the right kind of music
• Which world-class mental techniques enhance athletic performance
• The step-by-step Superlearning techniques that keep you in step with technology
• How you can overcome learning blocks . . . and even learning disabilities
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