101 Recipes For Children Vegetarian
by Nita Mehta
Food provides nourishment for the healthy growth of a child but it alsohas a psychological aspect. The table can become a battle field. Theparent can insist, "This is good for you," and the child can stubbornlysay, "But I don't like it."This book aims to give parents the choice to provide a healthy andnourishing diet, while respecting the right of the child to be a child - tohave child-like cravings and preferences.
About the Author:-
NITA MEHTA is a Home Science graduate from Lady Irvin College, Delhi University and a Gold Medalist in M Sc (Food & Nutrition). An Acknowledged cookery expert, she has been conducting immensely popular cookery classes for over 15 Years. Several of her books have been reprinted 13-14 times in the last 8 years. She has authored more than 95 books on various topics including more than 100 best selling cookery books.
She’s Cookery books started a new trend in cookery books. The novel & simple to understand format became an instant success. In a span of a few years, over a million She cookbooks have been sold. The secret of her success is her thorough & meticulous approach towards her books. Every recipe is tried & tested and explained in a step by step simple format.