Advanced Paintball Tactics - Fire, Movement, Ambush, Offense, Defense, Night by Gerald M. Chicalo

Advanced Paintball Tactics - Fire, Movement, Ambush, Offense, Defense, Night


  • Genre Coaching
  • Publisher Gerald M. Chicalo
  • Released
  • Size 213.96 kB
  • Length 68 Pages


Webster's Dictionary defines a 'team' as a group of people working together for common purpose. A team working together, using teamwork, should be exerting a force greater than the sum of all individual players. If the force exerted is not greater than the sum of all players, then it is not a team; it is a group of disorganized individuals. This group of individuals will be decimated by a properly trained and organized paintball team, acting in unison with one common goal; eliminate the opposition and win the game.
This manual is a guide for paintball players and teams. It will give individual players, squad leaders, and team leaders the basic guidance on how to play as a paintball team. Techniques, tactics, and procedures that pertain to most simulated combat situations are covered. Small-unit training and Standard Operating Procedures (SOP's) will add most of the detail necessary to execute these tactics. The use of assets found within the team will be emphasized in this manual, and by doing so, team doctrine will be developed.
The tactics you learn from this manual are not strictly for tournament play; they are tactics to be used in all paintball scenarios; from recreational play on weekends, to twenty-four hour scenarios, to night games.
This manual does not include information on what type of gun to buy or where to buy it. It does not contain the rules of paintball, or rules of specific game scenarios. You will not find advice on equipment modifications, upgrades, desirable and undesirable features of equipment, or accessories available. What you will find is the guidelines to form and train a paintball team that will be coordinated, cohesive and controlled, in all paintball situations. Your paintball team will move and act in unison.
This manual assumes you are beyond the beginner stage and are ready to enter the realm of advanced, small-unit paintball tactics. You will learn not only to defeat the opposition, but to psychologically destroy him in the process.
Paintball teams must train to defeat opposing teams on any field or terrain. This will require bold and aggressive leadership that will perform the necessary tasks in pursuit of mission accomplishment. They must be capable of using their initiative and of making snap decisions to take advantage of unexpected opportunities. All players of the team must be aggressive, physically fit, disciplined, and well-trained.
Training and tactics must stress the importance of playing in dense, close terrain, such as forests, jungles, mountains and urban areas. Against heavier forces, the successful paintball team must choose to engage them, by maneuver, on terrain that favours the team's unique abilities.


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