Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing - SAT 2007 by João Marques-Silva & Karem A. Sakallah

Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing - SAT 2007


  • Genre Mathematics
  • Publisher Springer
  • Released
  • Size 4.79 MB
  • Length 395 Pages


This volume contains the papers presented at SAT 2007: 10th International Conference on Theory and Applications of Satis?ability Testing. The International Conferences on Theory and Applications of Satis?ability Testing (SAT) originated in 1996 as a series of workshops “on Satis?ability.” By the third meeting in 2000, the workshop had attracted a mix of theorists and experimentalists whose common interest was the enhancement of our basic understanding of the theoretical underpinnings of the Satis?ability problem as well as the development of scalable algorithms for its solution in a wide range of application domains. In 2002 a competition of SAT solvers was inaugurated to spur further algorithmic and implementation developments, and to create an eclectic collection of benchmarks. The competition—expanded in subsequent years to include pseudo Boolean, QBF, and MAX-SAT solvers—has become an integralpartofthesemeetings,addinganelementofexcitementandanticipation. Theinterplaybetweentheoryandapplication,aswellastheincreasedinterestin Satis?abilityfromawider communityofresearchers,ledtothe naturalevolution of these initial workshops into the current conference format. The annual SAT conference is now universally recognized as “the venue” for publishing the latest advances in SAT research.

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