On June 9, 1960, at the age of twenty-eight, Ruth Roberts’ mother died in a tragic accident that made the national papers. Ruth and her sibling were with their mother that day and were severely injured in the accident. This eulogy and prayer describe a place Ruth came to after many years of struggle, feeling broken and finally healing. When her father was dying in 2006, Ruth spent significant time with him the week before he died and was present through his passing. This was precious time together, when love superseded all else and dissolved lifelong wounds. Not yet feeling complete, Ruth yearned for a way back to her faith. So she drove over three thousand miles to a retreat center in Dove Creek, Colorado, where with the presence, patience and understanding of the spiritual director Ruth found relationship with God. On June 9, 2008, forty-eight years after her loss, the director created a beautiful ceremony to honor Ruth’s mother, for which Ruth wrote the following eulogy.