As it entered the 21st century, the Polish government faced the dilemma of how to develop an optimal telecom structure and related services. For decades, the government owned and operated a national telecom monopoly, but in the late 1990s they gradually allowed the entry of some competitors, many of whom brought new technologies. The government had undertaken a major privatization program, and it faced the question of whether, and how, it should privatize; yet privatization would have to be accompanied by ongoing regulation in order to ensure that managerial decisions were made in the interests of the nation, as a whole. This challenge of continual government intervention could reduce the attractiveness of acquiring the government-owned agency, in spite of its market dominance. Students will have the opportunity to: analyze the telecommunications industry in Poland; determine the technological changes that will impact the future of telecommunications throughout the world and the Polish telecom industry; examine the current regulatory environment in the Polish telecommunication market; evaluate the current state of, and the opportunities in, e-business in Poland and the rest of Europe; and, develop a comprehensive action plan for a joint venture partner.