Speaking Australian by George Lee Sye

Speaking Australian



With a love for colloquialisms and plays on words, Australians have a language that is funny, rich in its descriptive nature and humorous in its application. It is totally unique and as you appreciate the Australian language presented in this book, you will begin to understand the Australian personality and sense of humour.
You'll learn what it means to be flat out like a lizard drinking and to have bum fluff on your dial; you'll find out what it means to watch a bush telly or get chock full of damper. No matter who you are you'll end up weaving some of the phases you read into your day to day conversation, much to the amusement of your friends and family. 
This book will be an interesting and humorous reference for every traveller, regardless of whether or not you are coming to good old Oz. If you are coming down under to visit Australia, then this book is a must. 
George Lee Sye, was born in Australia in 1959 and grew up in a typically Aussie family. Today he spends his time writing and speaking to thousands of people each year, yet he has never lost his roots with the unique aspects of the Australian language.

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