London and the vanity of human wishes by Samuel Johnson

London and the vanity of human wishes


  • Genre Fiction & Literature
  • Publisher Bloomsbury Academic
  • Released
  • Size 68.62 kB
  • Length 128 Pages


London and the vanity of human wishes, Samuel Johnson. Revised version of . London, 1738 and 1748, [and], The vanity of human wishes, 1794 and 1755 Johnson, Samuel, 1709-1784 Facsimile reprint edition Scolar Press Menston 1970 0854173870 Facsimile reprints of London, originally published, London : Printed for R. Doddesley [i.e. Dodsley], 1738 with original t.p.: London : a poem in imitation of the third satire of Juvenal., and Vol. 1. pp. 101-115 in A collection of poems by several hands, London : Printed for R. Dodsley, 1748; Vanity of human wishes, originally published, London : Printed for R. Dodsley, 1849 with original t.p.: The vanity of human wishes : the tenth satire of Juvenal imitated by Samuel Johnson, and Vol. 4. pp. 156-170 in A collection of poems by several hands, London : Printed by J. Hughes, for R. and J. Dodsley, 1755 London reproduced from 1st folio ed. in Edinburgh University Library (shelfmark *S.18.32/8) and from British Museum copy of Dodsley's Collection (shelfmark 11602 c.6); Vanity of human wishes reproduced from British Museum copies of 1749 quarto (shelfmark 840 K.4(6)) and Dodsley's Collection (shelfmark C.117.aa.16)

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