Praying the Psalms by Elmer Towns

Praying the Psalms


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  • Genre Christianity
  • Publisher Regal Books
  • Released
  • Size 548.97 kB


The Psalms are about passion, and you should feel passionately when you read them. The Psalmist poured out his soul to God concerning the things that deeply moved him. As you read the Psalms, you are taking a peak into his heart. As you do you will cry when he weeps, shout when he rejoices, burn when he gets angry and fall on your face when he worships God.

Praying the Psalms is a wonderful way to meet God every day in your private devotions. You cannot get closer to God than when you pray the Scriptures, since the book of Psalms reflects the heart of God. Therefore, you will get close to His heart when you pray the Psalms. —DR. BILL BRIGHT 

Praying the Psalms carefully shapes the Psalms into personal prayers enabling you to identify with the Psalmist as he prayed. Dr. Towns delicately presents the Psalms as a living language that will move you from your feet to your knees.

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