A Field Guide to Household Technology by Ed Sobey

A Field Guide to Household Technology


  • Genre Engineering
  • Publisher Chicago Review Press
  • Released
  • Size 13.05 MB
  • Length 253 Pages


Illustrating how a fire alarm detects smoke and what the “plasma” is in a plasma screen television, this fascinating handbook explains how everyday household devices function and operate. More than 180 different household technologies are covered, including gadgets unique to apartment buildings and houseboats. Devices are grouped according to their "habitats"—the living room, family room, den, bedroom, kitchen, bathroom, and basement—and feature a detailed description of what the device does and how it works, as well as a photograph for easy identification. With helpful sidebars describing related technical issues, such as why a cheap dimmer switch can interfere with radio reception, this handbook for curious readers provides carefully detailed descriptions and the history behind many of the older household technologies like toasters and faucets to newer technologies like motion detectors, TiVo, and satellite radio.


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