Conversational Swedish Language Phrases by Abel Adams

Conversational Swedish Language Phrases



If you have been looking for an easy to read and understand guide that will give you some short, but effective Swedish phrases you can use when traveling, this is your solution! But, it’s not just for when you’re planning a trip to a Swedish speaking region though because even if you just want to learn some conversational Swedish to communicate with friends or co-workers this guide will help you. If you want to learn quick, concise, Swedish phrases, then this is the guide for you. Whether you’re going on vacation, or just living in an area of the country with a high Swedish speaking population, this little ‘Mini-Book’ can help you to understand some things you couldn’t before and actually have small conversations with other ‘Swedish-speakers’. Here’s a short and simple list of what you will find inside this guide: - Learn basic conversational phrases like: “How are you?, “My name is”, What is your name”, Do you speak English?, “Hello”, “Goodbye”, “Please”, “Thank you”, “I don’t understand”, and many others - Pronunciation tables for vowels, consonants and diphthongs in the Swedish language - Learn how to say specific words such as: colors, telling time, days of the week, months, plus numbers and counting - Learn helpful traveling phrases like how to hail a taxi cab, how to ask questions regarding bus and train travel and great phrases to help you ask for directions - Learn how to ask about hotel accommodations, how to order specific food and drink in a restaurant, and even questions about what types of payments are accepted! This is one time when the word ‘Mini’ is NOT to be taken literally! While this book is referred to as a ‘Mini Book’, it isn’t because it’s ‘Lite’ on any information. This is a handy guide to refer to whenever you need to. So, what are you waiting for? Start speaking Swedish today!

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