Mobitell (A): Mobile Communications in Russia by Murray J. Bryant

Mobitell (A): Mobile Communications in Russia


  • Genre Economics
  • Released
  • Size 2.50 MB


The Mobitell case series examines the choice and implementation of a currency strategy for a telecommunications company operating in Russia with substantial exposure to the euro and U.S. dollar through various debt instruments. Students have to assess the financial strategy and the appropriate financial reporting under the International Accounting Standards. Mobitell (A): Mobile Communications in Russia, product 9B05B015 provides company and currency exposure history. Supplements Mobitell (B): Hedging Alternatives, product 9B05B016 and Mobitell (C): Accounting For the SWAP Deal, product 9B05B017 follow the situation with a pending deal with AO Citibank Moscow and the finalizing of the deal.

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