The Mystery of the Missing Dinosaurs by Carole Marsh

The Mystery of the Missing Dinosaurs



One creepy curator, two missing skulls, three batty bats, four funny friends and too many bones! An ordinary trip to see the dinosaurs at Chicago's Field Museum turns into a riot of mystery and laughs as four real kids gallivant all over town trying to learn about Chicago's past in order to solve the mystery and save the dinos. 

 LOOK what's in this mystery - people, places, history, and more! 
“Sue,” the Tyrannosaurus Rex on display at the Field Museum • Al Capone, Chicago gangsters, and the Roaring 20s • History of and facts about Navy Pier • History of the Field Museum of Natural History, and exhibits found therein • Bat facts • Berghoff Restaurant • Grant Park, Chicago • Magnificent Mile • Navy Pier, Chicago • Printer's Row • Sears Tower.

Like all of Carole Marsh Mysteries, this mystery incorporates history, geography, culture and cliffhanger chapters that will keep kids begging for more! This mystery includes SAT words, educational facts, fun and humor, built-in book club and activities.

Below is the Reading Levels Guide for this book:
Grade Levels: 3-6
Accelerated Reader Reading Level: 5.1
Accelerated Reader Points: 3
Accelerated Reader Quiz Number: 74563
Lexile Measure: 780
Fountas & Pinnell Guided Reading Level: Q
Developmental Assessment Level: 40

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