Stories for Peace by Mark Binder

Stories for Peace



Imagine new ways to resolve conflict!
Stories for Peace is a fun and quick read that will open new possibilities to handling difficult and uncomfortable problems. Using an entertaining and action-provoking style, the book raises issues and offers answers. For adults, children, families, educators, students, activists, leaders, and listeners.
The collection includes tales from cultures around the world. Each story or essay is designed to ask questions and provide possible answers to issue around bullying, war and peace. 
Bonus section on Cyberbullying.

“Everyone agrees that the world needs peace.…”
“It is also true that the world needs stories. Mark Binder brings these two needs together and in a short time, children and adults will be amazed how they will learn together, laugh together, dream together, and be inspired to continuing creating peace in the world. What a wonderful gift for any community to continue this work that began at the beginning of time and is made real for us in these stories.”
— Rev. T. Michael Rock
Pastor/Activist/Nonviolence Trainer
“Mark Binder’s stories carry insight and bite. I have seen him charm young and old alike.”
    — Rabbi James Rosenberg
Who is Mark Binder?
    A former candidate for US Congress, Mark Binder is an author storyteller and a student and teacher of martial arts. An award-winning book and recording artist, he travels the world, sharing his work at festivals, theaters, schools, libraries, churches, synagogues and other community centers. He holds a third-degree black belt in Aikido, the martial art for peace. He promises not to throw anyone across the room. 


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