The Bare Bum Gang Battles the Dogsnatchers by Anthony McGowan

The Bare Bum Gang Battles the Dogsnatchers



More brilliant jokes and plenty of laughs as the gang come together to battle some evil dogsnatchers!

Ludo, Noah, Jamie, Phillip and Jennifer are THE BARE BUM GANG! They have an embarrassing name but a cool Gang Den, so things could be worse.

The newest member of the gang is Rude Word, the world's ugliest dog - and he's causing trouble. He's throwing up strange furry body parts . . . and Mrs Cake's dog Trixie is missing! Ludo and the gang have to turn detective and get to the bottom of this gross mystery. But when other pets disappear, they realise the mystery is bigger than they thought. Can they get Rude Word off the hook?

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