If you wish you knew the secrets of raising an obedient, happy, and polite teen...if you wish you could put an end to the arguments, anguish, and stress your teenager is causing in your home...or if you just wish you could get them to clean their room and fill the car with gas every now and then you're going to want to read this carefully. ...Waltons... Or Simpsons? Whether your family is like the Waltons, the Simpsons or the Bundys... Whether you're living in the thirteen hundreds, the eighteen hundreds or the twenty-first century, it's never easy raising a family. Each and every one of us though will have something in common with the mythical characters and our counterparts of yesteryear. To go from baby to toddler to mature adult, there's one stage all kids will definitely need to go through regardless of anything else, and that's adolescence. …Or, in other words, the teenage years… So, Which Teen Is Yours? The anguished teenager, the rebellious teenager, the bookworm, the go-getter, the jock, the cheerleader, the nerd, the mixed up one who's not popular but has the potential…the list of teenage stereotypes is practically endless, and if you look hard enough you'll always find a teenager that will suit one of these stereotypes. If you look harder still though, you'll see that some facet of their personalities will fit each and every one of these stereotypes. This book will help you identify which mold your teenager fits into. You will also learn about: - The teenage "identity crisis" - why it happens, and what you can do about it - Rebels without a clue... it's wired into teens to rebel. But they often don't even know why. How you can cope - Communicating across the chasm. Simple ways you can bridge the age gap, communicate with your teen, and help them to be independent without being delinquent - The guaranteed way to keep track of your teen. - Young love and how to deal with it. When "young love" strikes, it's often in the form of "young lust". How you can save your teen and yourself a lot of heartache. - Facing peer pressure. Despite what your teens say, they need your help with peer pressure. You can help -- if you just know how (hint: it has nothing to do with "just say no"). - How to deal with the big worries: how to "sin-proof" your teen against the deadly forces of alcohol, smoking, drugs, and sex. - The secrets of getting cooperation. Just like a combination lock, if you know the right numbers to press, you can get your teen to do their homework, dress respectably, pick up their room, and even get a job! This book will give you the combination numbers! - Sibling sanity. Siblings (brothers and sisters) can make the teen years even more complicated. You get a roadmap to help you navigate this rough and rocky road. - Dealing with death. It's often in the teen years that we face the hardest of truths: people we love die. Learn to help your child get through this very difficult time. - The Devastation of Divorce - how to behave, what to say, and what to do when helping a teen understand your divorce. How to help your teen through the divorce -- and helping them avoid drugs, alcohol, and "bad influences" during this vulnerable time. - The special challenges of Single Parents. The only thing harder than raising a teen with your spouse's help...is doing it alone. These tips will help. - When hobbies become obsessions. When is it time to be alarmed by your teen's obsession with computers, video games, the Internet, or even TV and books? Learn the answer before it becomes a problem you can't overcome! - And much, much more! Think about what your life will be like when you know these parenting secrets (along with all the other ones revealed in this book).