Be moved by the inspiring words of Psalms, translated into clear and modern language by a professor of English and scholar of Bible. The Book of Psalms in Plain English contains the complete collection of the 150 Psalms, traditionally attributed to King David, as recorded in the Holy Bible. Formatted for easy e-book navigation.
Aaron Lichtenstein teaches at the City University of New York, and has taught at New York University, Yeshiva University and the University of Denver. He is the author of The Seven Laws of Noah and was staff editor at the Encyclopedia Judaica.
“Lichtenstein’s contemporary English verse translation of all 150 psalms tries to reach beyond the words to capture the mood, tone, and ideas of the psalmist.”
-AJL Newsletter
“…anyone seriously interested in prayer and in the constant use of Tehillim [Psalms] as a means to express our deepest yearnings… [will] find this translation of great interest.”
-Rabbi Dr. David Ebner, Jewish Action