Scarcity & Value by Prakash L Dheeriya Ph D

Scarcity & Value


  • Genre Parenting
  • Publisher Fintelligence Publishing
  • Released
  • Size 6.41 MB
  • Length 21 Pages


All stories in the series "Finance for Kidz" depict typical children's experiences, but have financial lessons embedded in them. These books have received excellent reviews from educators, policy makers, parents & children. Here are few of those reviews: 

“In my 20+ years in education, which includes teaching economics in public schools, I have never seen any books for young children like Finance for Kids. These books are creative and will be very interesting to students of the proper developmental age. It’s about time that parents and teachers have some tools to teach economics to young children. Finance for Kids fills that need.”
-E. Don Kim, Ed. D
Senior Director - Elementary Schools
Torrance Unified School District
“A strong financial literacy education will help our children limit debt, avoid identity theft and maintain good credit. Resources like the 'Finance for Kids' series will help our children learn the basics of personal finance management and prepare them for the responsibilities of adulthood."
-- California Assemblymember Ted W. Lieu (D-Torrance)  
“How do you assure that your children make good financial choices as they mature? Start teaching them early with these excellent story books! Dheeriya weaves deep  economic principles into simple childhood tales that even your toddlers will grasp easily.“
--Tony Rojko, President of MyMontessori.Net  
I leave you with one comment made by a finance academy student who expressed personal satisfaction on a job well done in the written assignment which summarized the course.  In the paper, she said, 
"Today was our last day with the Cottonwood Elementary students and we will most likely never see them again.  While I am sad, it gives me great pride knowing our efforts the past 8 weeks will help them appreciate the important role of finance in their young lives.  We know the students enjoyed the experience with us for the short time we shared with them and somehow my sadness with the end of this class is offset by the satisfaction of watching the progress made of what started as little finance caterpillars turn into butterflies."  
I don't know about you but to me its reading these comments which is the essence of why I chose a career in education.

 David Wilhelm, lead faculty @ Metropolitan Community College
In this book, Zyler and his friend, Joey, learn about the relationship between the value of an item and its availability. On a very hot day, there is no water available to drink, and water at a lemonade stand becomes valuable.

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