The Army Operations & Doctrine SMARTbook, 4th Revised Edition by Norman M. Wade

The Army Operations & Doctrine SMARTbook, 4th Revised Edition


  • Genre Reference
  • Released
  • Size 5.20 MB
  • Length 320 Pages


Guide to FM 3-0 Operations (2008) & the Six Warfighting Functions

The Army Operations & Doctrine SMARTbook is the re-titled fourth revised edition of The Operations SMARTbook, UPDATED & EXPANDED to incorporate the new 2008 version of FM 3-0 Operations PLUS each of the six warfighting functions -- movement and maneuver, intelligence, fires, sustainment, command and control, and protection.

What's Inside:

The 2008 edition of FM 3-0, the first update since the attacks on 9/11, is the fifteenth edition of the Army’s capstone operations manual. FM 3-0 shapes all Army doctrine, while influencing the Army’s organization, training, materiel, leadership and education, and Soldier concerns.

Replacing “battlefield operating systems (BOSs),” the six “warfighting functions,” multiplied by leadership and complemented by information, now define the elements of combat power—movement and maneuver, intelligence, fires, sustainment, command and and protection.

SMARTbooks - The Essentials of Warfighting!

Recognized as a doctrinal reference standard by military professionals around the world, SMARTbooks are designed with all levels of Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines and Civilians in mind.

SMARTbooks can be used as quick reference guides during actual tactical combat operations, as study guides at military education and professional development courses, and as lesson plans and checklists in support of training. Serving a generation of warfighters, military reference SMARTbooks have become "mission-essential" around the world.

The SMARTbook series consists of eight professional military titles:

- The Joint Forces Operations & Doctrine SMARTbook (Guide to Joint, Multinational & Interagency Operations)
- The Army Operations & Doctrine SMARTbook (Guide to FM 3-0 Operations & the Six Warfighting Functions)
- The Naval Operations & Doctrine SMARTbook (Guide to Designing, Planning & Conducting Maritime Operations)
- The Battle Staff SMARTbook (Guide to Designing, Planning & Conducting Military Operations)
- The Small Unit Tactics SMARTbook (Leader's Reference Guide to Conducting Tactical Operations)
- The Stability, Peace & Counterinsurgency SMARTbook (Nontraditional Approaches in a Dynamic Security Environment)
-  The Leader's SMARTbook (Doctrinal Guide to Military Leadership & Training for Full Spectrum Operations) - The Sustainment & Multifunctional Logistician's SMARTbook (Warfighter's Guide to Logistics, Personnel Services, & Health Services Support)

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