Fountain of Life Opened Up by John Flavel

Fountain of Life Opened Up



Theologian John Flavel was a 15th century Puritan living in England. He was a prolific writer, and produced at least 10 major works. Fountain of Life Opened Up is a collection of 42 of his sermons, most of which focus on the life, work, and importance of Christ. Flavel's writing is often grandiose, giving his words a sense of great importance. He follows the typical Puritan style of prose, so his sermons will surely take a lot of thought on the part of the reader, but they ultimately exhibit a mastery of the subject of Christ and will be useful for those looking for deep theology on the subject. This edition also includes an index of scripture and commentaries cited, which is helpful for the student of Flavel. -Abby Zwart, CCEL Staff Writer

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