Hebrew Decoded! Vol I: Signs Language of Adam- Ancient Language Master Key, Untold Story of Language by Moti Kanyavsky (Kanyevski)

Hebrew Decoded! Vol I: Signs Language of Adam- Ancient Language Master Key, Untold Story of Language



Volume I – The Ancient Language Master Key, Untold story of Language. The letters: Rish, Quf, Chit, Tav, Hey, Samech, Pey - The origin of the ancient Hebrew letters from prehistoric ice age symbols, formed into words and the roots of ancient scripture, The roots of modern culture and language. Author: Kanyevsky (Kanyavski) Moti

If you are a Christian, Jewish, a follower of the God, Yahweh - Yod, Heh, Waw, Hey
(YHWH, יהוה), want to understand better the biblical holy scriptures, a linguist, or just want to understand what the Hebrew Alphabet letters mean, and how the letters and words in modern language were created, this book is for you.

Ice age ancient prehistoric symbols become letters, language and Hebrew letters which evolved into other languages. The German and Indo-European,as well as other languages influenced by the ancient Hebrew language and “borrowed” their word roots from it. The oldest language. The meaning of letters and words. From the beginning of human culture to the end of the ice age and the beginning of the agricultural revolution. We speak in words that come from symbols. Each symbol in the Hebrew language has an ancient meaning. There are no "coincidences" in the roots of the words. If your language interests you, and you want to understand the meaning of the words, spelling, and symbols you speak, this book is for you! This book is dedicated and intended for all Hebrew people scattered around the world, among the nations, wherever they are. A must-read book for any Hebrew, German, and English speaker! A revolution in language research!




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