Batman: The Dark Knight Detective Vol. 6 by John Ostrander, Marv Wolfman, Alan Grant, Peter Milligan, Flint Henry, Michael McKone, Jim Aparo & Norm Breyfogle

Batman: The Dark Knight Detective Vol. 6



Uncover the mysteries of which perpetrators are claiming to be Batman, bizarre disasters, persuasive killers, the Golem of Gotham story arc, and much more. Featuring classic Gotham characters, iconic Bat-gadgets, and new versions of �The Case of the Chemical Syndicate� to celebrate the Dark Knight�s 600th appearance! Collects Detective Comics #622-633.


More John Ostrander, Marv Wolfman, Alan Grant, Peter Milligan, Flint Henry, Michael McKone, Jim Aparo & Norm Breyfogle Books