Our American Injustice System: A Toxic Waste Dump Also Known as the World’s Largest Crime Syndicate by Tom Scott

Our American Injustice System: A Toxic Waste Dump Also Known as the World’s Largest Crime Syndicate


  • Genre Law
  • Released
  • Size 695.19 kB


"Our American Injustice System is an accurate report. It will wake up Americans so they see that we live under a corrupt justice system wherein bias and money prevail."
  ― John Kiriakou, former CIA counterterrorism officer and author

"I easily understand what Tom has faced and so eloquently wrote about in Our American Injustice System: A Toxic Waste Dump Also Known as the World's Largest Crime Syndicate. We should be especially thankful to Tom for writing this very enlightening book. I applaud him for his courage to stand up to the crime syndicate also known as the U.S. judiciary and for sharing his story with us through this great book."
  ― Brian Vukadinovich, former executive director of the Posner Center of Justice for Pro Se's and author

"The stories in this book may seem unbelievable, but they are a true picture of our corrupt system. 'Selling justice' is orchestrated by unaccountable lawyers and judges."
  ― Bill Scheidler, U.S. Supreme Court individual litigant

"In theory, the American legal system should provide people the means to bring their grievances before the law in order to get justice or be made whole. In reality, it operates as a self-serving corrupt machine that feeds the wealthy and punishes the poor. It's a system that rewards those who have financial means and powerful connections. This book is an eye-opener to the realities of our corrupt, festering, and unfair legal system. To someone who has never been involved with it, these stories may seem incomprehensible or fictional. But to those of us who operate and deal with the legal system regularly, it's another day in a broken system."
  ― Sara Naheedy, attorney, real estate broker and author

"A must-read. Arm yourself for our corrupt system. As Tom demonstrates, cases are predetermined. Ordinary people lose long before ever stepping into a courtroom."
  ― Marti Oakley, The PPJ Gazette

"In Tom's books, I learned more about our (in)justice system and how to protect my liberty and property from it than I did in three years of law school. Excellent work!"
  ― Norman K. Singleton, former legislative director for Congressman Ron Paul

This book is not intended to be a protective guide like Stack the Legal Odds in Your Favor. It is intended to be another reliable smaller news source. It is an exposé of true events related to the author’s and others’ legal experiences—all supported by irrefutable facts and evidence. This work should be viewed as a lengthy news article or a reporter’s marathon dialogue at the scene of an unfolding catastrophic event.

People who have committed crimes will be named. Unlike protection associated with any form of immunity—qualified, judicial, absolute, or otherwise—nobody will evade culpability. Government lawyers, such as Kristin Tavia Mihelic, will be named. Her misconduct will be revealed. Her crimes will be exposed. Judge Louise DeCarl Adler will also be thrust into the spotlight. Her misconduct and crimes will also not escape exposure.

Most people who have not (yet) experienced our illustrious injustice system may think the events described herein would be part of the script for a Hollywood fantasy movie—or more appropriately, a Hollywood horror flick. This is not so. Everything put forth will be supported by rock-solid evidence. The intent of this eye-opener is to prove to the reader that any outrageous system-related stories they may have heard from friends, family members, or colleagues are likely true.

It is also intended to be the proverbial whack on the side of the head that some individuals need to make them understand that being struck with the syndicate is not an “other person’s disease.” Ordinary people in Amerika must wake up to the fact that chances are high they will someday encounter the toxic waste dump also known as the world’s largest crime syndicate. This book is a clarion call; however, time is running out. Read it, but fasten your seatbelts first. It’s going to be one heck of a bumpy ride.

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