A Pineville St. Patrick's Day by Anne Fons

A Pineville St. Patrick's Day



It's St. Patrick's Day, and Elizabeth Anderson's life couldn't be better – or could it?

The past year has brought her back to her hometown, an engagement to her high school sweetheart, her own veterinary practice, and a beautiful, century-old home that she has been renovating and converting.  She is living the life of her dreams.

Yet, living the dream comes with a cost.  Overscheduled days, multiple commitments, personal and professional lives that don't always intermingle nicely, but Elizabeth is handling it all.  She's an Anderson, and Andersons know the meaning of work.

How will she balance demands and wants?  Who will throw her into self-doubt and a tailspin?

It's the time of rainbows, pots of gold, and the wearing of the green.  It's a time for fun and to celebrate the coming of the warmth of spring.

Welcome to Pineville,

where there is always something to celebrate and love.

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