Smartwoman by Sylvia Walker




<p>Coming to grips with money, making wise decisions and setting ourselves on a path to wealth can be daunting. Some women excel at this; others battle from payday to payday. What do ‘smartwomen’ know that the rest of us can learn?<br>In this updated edition, Smartwoman reveals who is competing for your money (black tax and other family pressures), how to create a designer life (as opposed to filling up space with designer stuff), and how to start a side hustle. It also covers major life events, such as marriage, divorce and death, and how you can make smart financial decisions at these times. <br>Knowing how and where to invest is crucial to building wealth, and this book covers the full spectrum of investment options, including equities, property and alternative investments, such as art. New chapters include investing offshore; the impact of external factors, such a Covid-19, on your financial well-being; and cryptocurrencies and how they fit into an investment portfolio.<br>Whatever your life stage or circumstances, being in financial control, owning your destiny and building long-term wealth is within every woman’s reach.</p>

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