Cruising To Alaska And Back by Robert Owen Cobb

Cruising To Alaska And Back



Alaska is epitomized by many pseudonyms, including The Last Frontier and The Land of The Midnight Sun, but in terms of my family, it was the frozen the territory where my very own Daddy spent four long and intolerable years stationed on active duty on the Aleutian Islands, in the heart of the Bering Sea.
I last recall the CBS comedy series, Northern Exposure, involving the sleepy little town of Ciceely, where drafted physician, Dr. David Fleishman led all its  so-called normal res idents through all the eccentricity.
When the snow eventually receded, their annal Spring Thaw, took place as the gentlemen of Cicely streaked through the town as the excited ladies cheered and cat-called to them.
Alaska has known as long history, from the first arrival of Russian explorers in the late 17th Century, to the invasion by the Japanese in 1942 and longed hoped for statehood in 1959.
In the late summer in 2012, my family and I we're afforded the opportunity for a sent-day adventure, departing from Seattle, then stopping in Ketchikan, Juneau, Skagway with an excusion deep into the Yukon, next sailing through Glacial Bay National Park where I caught a serious bout of bronchitis that woud remain with me for quite a wile, , last stopping at Victoria in British Columbia, and finally returning to Seattle, where we remained for an entire week for yet another week.
All and all, it was indeed a marvelous adventure and we invite my readers to share with us, the first great cruise of my life,

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