Dragons of a Different Tail: 17 Unusual Dragon Tales by Marx Pyle, Victoria L. Scott, J.C. Mastro, Timons Esaias, Heidi Ruby Miller, J. Thorn, Jeff Burns, Sophia DeSensi, Katharine Dow, Francis Fernandez, Colten fisher, Carrie Gessner, Sean Gibson, Kevin Plybon, Julie Seaton Pyle, Sen R. L. Scherb, K.W. Taylor & G.K. White

Dragons of a Different Tail: 17 Unusual Dragon Tales


  • Genre Fantasy
  • Released
  • Size 5.88 MB


Part of The Crossing Genres Anthology Collection

Eighteen award-winning, veteran, and emerging authors bring you seventeen unique dragon tales that defy tradition. Winged serpents as large as continents, as well as those tiny enough to perch on the fingertip of a young girl. Dragons who inhabit the Wild West, Victorian London, Brooklyn, and a post-apocalyptic Earth. Scaly beasts who fight in the boxing ring, celebrate Christmas, and conquer the vast void of outer space. There are rockstars who meddle with dragon magic, clever and conniving shapeshifters, and powerfully exotic hybrids. Science fiction, urban fantasy, mystery, western, epic fantasy, YA fantasy...no matter the setting or the genreā€”here be dragons!

Join Asimov's Readers Award winner Timons Esaias, science fiction author Heidi Ruby Miller, post-apocalyptic author J. Thorn, along with K.W. Taylor, Sean Gibson and more as they put their personal twist on the usual dragon tale.

Also, check out the authors' behind-the-scenes articles for a peek into the creative processes that led to the creation of these "Dragons of a Different Tail".

Edited by Marx Pyle, J.C. Mastro, Victoria L. Scott, Anne C. Lynch.

"Mastering Aesthetics" by Heidi Ruby Miller

"The George" by Timons Esaias

"Mouth of the Dragon" by J. Thorn

"A Wild Beast of The West" by Marx Pyle & Julie Seaton Pyle

"Wei Ling and the Water Dragon" by Jeff Burns

"Tiny Hearts" by Sophia DeSensi

"The Brooklyn Dragon Racing Club" by Katharine Dow

"A Friend Called Home" by Francis Fernandez

"Forgiveness" by Colten Fisher

"Witherwillow" by Carrie Gessner

"Chasing the Dragon" by Sean Gibson

"Spirit of the Dragon" by J.C. Mastro

"Catalyst" by Kevin Plybon

"Poisoned Water" by Sen R. L. Scherb

"Big Dreams" by Victoria L. Scott

"Resorting to Revenge" by K.W. Taylor

"The Last Hour of Night" by G.K. White

More Marx Pyle, Victoria L. Scott, J.C. Mastro, Timons Esaias, Heidi Ruby Miller, J. Thorn, Jeff Burns, Sophia DeSensi, Katharine Dow, Francis Fernandez, Colten fisher, Carrie Gessner, Sean Gibson, Kevin Plybon, Julie Seaton Pyle, Sen R. L. Scherb, K.W. Taylor & G.K. White Books

  • Dragons of a Different Tail: 17 Unusual Dragon Tales

    Dragons of a Different Tail: 17 Unusual Dragon Tales

    Marx Pyle, Victoria L. Scott, J.C. Mastro, Timons Esaias, Heidi Ruby Miller, J. Thorn, Jeff Burns, Sophia DeSensi, Katharine Dow, Francis Fernandez, Colten fisher, Carrie Gessner, Sean Gibson, Kevin Plybon, Julie Seaton Pyle, Sen R. L. Scherb, K.W. Taylor & G.K. White


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    Enchanted Tales & Twisted Lore: Fairy Tales, Folklore, and Fables Reimagined - Volume 1

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    Tales of Monstrosity: Monsters, Myths, and Miscreants

    Marx Pyle, Victoria L. Scott, J.C. Mastro, Anne C. Lynch, Francis Fernandez, Carrie Gessner, Colten fisher, G.K. White, Jeff Burns, Katharine Dow, Sophia DeSensi, Kevin Plybon, Sen R. L. Scherb, Michael La Ronn, W. H. Horner, Scott A. Johnson, Jeremiah Dylan Cook, Jeannie Rivera & Marisa Wolf
