For the past 57 years, ever since my Daddy bought me my very first packets of vegetable seeds, I have been the most prolific gardener that anyone might probably imagine. In late 2020, all of that came to an abrupt end.
Since 2007, I had suffered from end stage kidney disease, requiring nightly peritoneal dialysis at my home. and later hemodialysis every other day at a local treatment center.
In all that time, I had gone from peritoneal dialysis, to a kidney transplant that persisted for over twelve years, and then it was back on the burden of peritoneal dialysis.
After three devastating attacks of peritonitis, which all but took my life, I then opted for hemodialysis, while hoping for a second transplant ofter. On top of that, my wife and I both tested positive for Covid-19, requiring self-isolation.
When I returned home after six weeks, my family informed me that they had enough between repeated episodes of peritonitis and my constantly falling in the garden from low blood pressure. No more backyard gardening for me.
In its wake, I was permanently exiled to gardening on my 15X20 deck in what might prove to be a far better experience,