Twin Flame Runner Love Lessons Book 1 by Silvia Moon

Twin Flame Runner Love Lessons Book 1



The “eye lock” — It is an instant recognition of each other as a Soul shared in two bodies. It is an earthmoving experience. You are never the same after that. It is then that you realize that your encounter was not a coincidence. The universe connived with Destiny to bring you two together. That moment of realization that your life will change forever. If you are in a committed relationship or married, you then realize there are many layers to feeling connections. Both twin flames feel the magnetic pull towards each other. You both feel a lingering longing to be close to each other because even though you are physically apart, you share eternal Soul intimacy. You share a sacred bond defined by the Spiritual divine connection. When you meet a twin flame, you know that your connection is not new and when you separate, you also know that it is not the end of your journey. Even though you both have to fight your inner battles, you both experience the same signs even though at different times while physically separated. I hope this helps. Stay blessed!

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