When Butterflies Scream by Rod Little

When Butterflies Scream


  • Genre Horror
  • Released
  • Size 620.73 kB


Jack is back.

Hosted by an FBI agent with wavering respect for the rules of law and no faith in the courts, the demon Jack is helping him exterminate the world's worst criminals. His pursuit is abruptly interrupted when seven young teens are abducted in a mysterious series of kidnappings. With no ransom note and no witnesses, the FBI is called in, and Jack soon takes a special interest in the victims.

Meanwhile, one of Jack's oldest enemies tracks him down to bring disturbing news. Something worse is on the hunt and has already left a trail of dead bodies—including her husband—and is inexplicably linked to one of the kidnapped teens.

Time is short and racing toward seven graves waiting to be filled. Jack and his host must move fast to save the kids before any more are buried. 

And a much worse threat strikes closer every day.  The clock is ticking to save friends and enemies alike.

"There are things in this world worse than humans or demons."

Whisper Killer 2: When Butterflies Scream
390 pages in paperback version and ebook

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