Edeo & Legoo Mandarin Publications List 2021 August Issue方正教育最新书籍及课程 by David Yao

Edeo & Legoo Mandarin Publications List 2021 August Issue方正教育最新书籍及课程


  • Genre Foreign Languages
  • Publisher Legoo Mandarin
  • Released
  • Size 2.11 MB
  • Length 268 Pages


This a Full list of our latest courses and Publications at BEST price for my students! Please check and Enjoy your study. We provide Contents, Online System and Live Teaching Online ! Edeo (Educational Video Online Courses) is one of the pioneering online Courses Creators. We systematically design LEGOO Mandarin, including PPT, PDF and Videos materials, covering from Kindergarten, YCT (Youth Chinese Test), HSK (Chinese Proficiency Test), IGCSE Chinese, A1, A2 Chinese, IB Chinese, SAT Chinese, AP Chinese, IB Chinese, etc. This is our past 25 years painstaking efforts based on our firsthand experience to teach foreigners. “Share with You What We Know Best” is our Slogan. We start with LEGOO Mandarin and now expand the system into other topics: Bahasa Malaysia, IT eCommerce, Accounting and Finance, Tai Chi Fitness and Qi Gong. You can learn anytime anywhere! In addition to be a Contents Creator, we also provide Online Systems, which can be easily integrated with your school or company online system or use separately. We are using Udemy and other more than 10 similar platforms for video courses marketing. The Amazon KDP, Google Books and Apple iBooks are platforms we publishing our textbooks in addition to our own platform. We provide consultancy service to save your time and give you the best tips on how to leverage your efforts using all these amazing platforms. Please contact us for quotations (very reasonable price). We can assign our trained teachers to conduct live lesson through Webinar, Skype and YouTube, Facebook at reasonable price. #Edexcel_GCSE_Chinese, #国际中文教育, #幼儿汉语, #少儿汉语考试, #汉语课程, #汉语词汇表, #IB_Chinese, #IB, #AP, #AP_Chinese, #HSK_Grammar, #Grammar, #ChineseGrammar, #HSK_Vocabulary, #Vocabulary, #ChineseVocabulary, #ChineseWord, #Mandarin, #ChinesePhrase, #HSK, #Chinese, #Mandarin, #GCSE, #GCSE_Chinese, #IGCSE_Chinese

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