Shush! You Should Hush! by Jan Norris

Shush! You Should Hush!



Shush, You Should Hush! Is a more advanced book, with harder vocabulary and more mature concepts such as blushing, dashing, and fashion shampoo. Younger children can practice the /sh/ sound on each page as everyone tries to quiet Sheila. Older children can find the s-h letter sequence and learn how to sound out words with this sound in beginning, middle, and ending word positions. Finally the nurse appears and shows how your hand looks like a letter /h/ being shushed out of an s-shaped mouth, providing the visual that will help children remember the letter sequence. Have children put their hands in the shush position; you may draw the letter “h” on their hands with a piece of chalk so they can see the resemblance. Did Sheila have a good day or a bad day? How did the nurse comfort her? Say the /sh/ sound in a harsh manner, then in a soothing manner. Sh is a useful sound!

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