Questions To Ask A Cheater: Questions To Ask A Cheating Partner To Gain Closure And Heal Your Heart by Rebekah Clarke

Questions To Ask A Cheater: Questions To Ask A Cheating Partner To Gain Closure And Heal Your Heart


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Talking to your partner after they've cheated is undeniably one of the toughest conversations you'll ever have with them. You'll be bubbling over with a ton of emotions - anger, upset and frustration. The cheating partner will also have their own emotions to deal with - dread, uncertainty and the shame of their actions. 

The aftermath of cheating always leads to "The Conversation", where the hurt party asks their partner all of the questions about the affair they have bottled up. The cheater will be asked to answer difficult questions and confess some hurtful things to their partner, which is easier said than done. Does this situation sound similar to the one you've found yourself in?

Although you may find yourself simmering with an abundance of questions for your partner, they don't always come out the way you want or need them to; your anger and hurt take over and what should be an open communication turns into an argument. I was in the same situation not too long ago, and my rage and hurt would always get in the way of an open and honest discussion with my partner about his infidelity. This stopped me from being able to get the closure I needed so badly. Couple this with my emotions clouding my ability to know what questions to ask and how to ask them, I was in a cycle of heartache and confusion.

Through trial and error, I had the breakthrough with my partner and compiled my findings in this book. I've included four parts:

Part One: Questions To Ask Your Partner To Understand Their Behaviour

Part Two: Questions To Ask To Rebuild Trust With Your Partner

Part Three: Questions To Ask A Cheating Partner Or Ex To Gain Closure

Part Four: A Chapter For The Cheater: Understand Your Behaviour, Comprehend The Damage It's Caused & Nurture Forgiveness In Your Relationship

This book is for you if you've been cheated on and need answers. It's also a way to find comfort in the knowledge that someone has been in the same position you're in and has been through the same heartache as you've endured. Straight to the point, no fluff or filler, this book will aid you in getting the answers you need, help you rebuild honest communication with your partner and inspire you to seek the respect you deserve.

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