Getting Over An Affair: Healing After Being Cheated On And Regaining Your Sense Of Worth by Rebekah Clarke

Getting Over An Affair: Healing After Being Cheated On And Regaining Your Sense Of Worth


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The pain of being cheated on is an emotional trauma that's incredibly difficult to endure, let alone heal from. The shattering realisation that your partner has strayed and given themselves to another is heartbreaking. You think your life is over, you doubt you'll ever be happy again and you just want things to go back to how they were before. Perhaps you wish you could go back in time and do something - anything - to stop the affair ever taking place. Maybe you're praying that you'll wake up one day and this is all one big horrible nightmare.

The dark, painful feelings that we have to endure after discovering we've been cheated on are some of the worst days we'll ever have to make it through. I know what you're going through because I've also suffered the heartbreak of infidelity - but I also know what it feels like to come out of the other side.

From suffering a breakdown and neglecting myself and those around me to now thriving and able to trust again, I know you can bounce back from this traumatic time. This book won't offer judgement - I'm not here to tell you to leave the relationship nor am I an advocate for you to stay - but it will offer you the tools you need to heal. I'll offer you my thoughts and advice based on my experiences, and I'll give you a little glimpse of the pain I endured, too.

Throughout this book, I'll cover the following:

• Why did your spouse cheat?

• The nasty effects a cheating spouse has on us.

• Coping strategies after discovering the infidelity.

• Building up your sense of worth.

• A non-judgemental commentary about the "should I leave the relationship or not" question you may be pondering.

• How to trust a new partner.

This book began as a little project for a website I was writing for, but as time went on I decided it served best as a series of books. I read a ton of books when recovering from the heartache of being cheated on, and to offer that same kind of comfort and actionable advice to someone who's in the same position as I was is amazing to me. I hope this book series serves its purpose - to help you heal and to inspire you to know your worth.

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