Marine Knots by Andy Steer

Marine Knots



Contains clear, concise, easy to follow step-by-step knot-tying illustrations of 32 very useful sailing and boating knots. Knots included in this edition: Anchor bend, Ashley stop knot, Bowline, Cleat a dockline, Clove hitch, Coiling a dockline, Doughnut, Eye splice, Figure eight, Figure eight bend, Figure eight loop, Fisherman’s knot, Gasket coil, Half hitch, Halyard knot, Heaving line knot-1, Heaving line knot-2, Mooring hitch, Pile hitch, Reef knot, Rigger’s bend, Rolling hitch, Round turn two half hitches, Seizing bend, Sheepshank, Sheet bend, Slipped clove hitch, Slipped sheet bend, Surgeon’s knot, Towing hitch, Two half hitches, Whipping. Whatever your watercraft, this publication should help you to gain a solid base of reliable, tried and tested knots. Disclaimer: No responsibility in any way is accepted for incidents arising from the use of this material.

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