Fly Fishing Knots by Andy Steer

Fly Fishing Knots



Fly Fishing Knots contains clear, concise, easy to follow knot-tying illustrations of the recommended Fly fishing knots and set-up. Fly fishing knots set-up, Arbor knot, Albright knot, Double overhand loop knot, Loop-loop connection, Castwell’s leader knot, Nail knot, Needle knot, Gray's loop, Braided loop, Surgeon’s loop, Perfection loop, Loop-loop connection, Blood knot, Surgeon’s knot, Orvis tippet knot, Speed blood knot, Albright leader knot, Surgeon’s knot dropper, Sliding dropper, Davy knot, Double Turle knot, Eugene bend, Grinner knot, Orvis knot, Pitzen knot, Lefty’s loop, Canoe man loop, Poly yarn indicator, Backing barrel indicator, Tippet size, Fly lines. This publication should help you to gain a solid base of reliable, tried and tested knots, enabling you to land more fish. Protect the environment and save money by losing less tackle. Tight lines and strong knots. Disclaimer: No responsibility in any way is accepted for incidents arising from the use of this material.

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