CIE IGCSE Chinese (0509 First Language) 5000 Classified Vocabulary by David Yao

CIE IGCSE Chinese (0509 First Language) 5000 Classified Vocabulary



The International General Certificate of Secondary Education is based examination similar to GCSE and is recognized in the UK as being equivalent to the GCSE for the purposes of recognizing prior attainment. It was developed by University of Cambridge International Examinations. Cambridge programmes and qualifications set the global standard for international education. They are created by subject experts, rooted in academic rigour and reflect the latest educational research. There are 3 levels for Cambridge IGCSE Chinese: Cambridge IGCSE Chinese - First Language (0509), similar to A Level (Edexcel GCSE), HSK 6 (Chinese Proficiency Test 6) Cambridge IGCSE Chinese - Second Language (0523), similar to AS Level (Edexcel GCSE), HSK 5 (Chinese Proficiency Test 5) Cambridge IGCSE Mandarin Chinese - Foreign Language (0547) similar to Edexcel GCSE (Higer Tier), HSK 4 (Chinese Proficiency Test 4) Cambridge IGCSE Chinese - First Language (0509) The Cambridge IGCSE First Language Chinese syllabus is designed for learners whose first language is Chinese. The syllabus develops learners' ability to communicate clearly, accurately and effectively. They learn how to employ a wide-ranging vocabulary, use correct grammar, spelling and punctuation, and develop a personal style and an awareness of the audience being addressed. Learners are also encouraged to read widely, both for their own enjoyment and in order to develop an appreciation of how writers achieve their effects. The syllabus also complements other areas of study by encouraging skills of more general application. Syllabuses Paper 1 Reading, Directed Writing and Classical Chinese, 2 hours 15 minutes Paper 2 Writing 2 hours By referring to Cambridge IGCSE Chinese, Edexcel IGCSE Chinese (another two examination board) and HSK (Chicness Proficiency Test), combining our 25 years experience in Teaching and editing our own materials. Here is the “LIFE SAVING” book called by many students for their exams. It takes our years’ painful effort to edit. The book give a quick revision for your coming exam! Grab it!

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