HSK 3 Chinese Vocabulary List V2020 by David Yao

HSK 3 Chinese Vocabulary List V2020



This is the vocabulary list for New HSK 3. There are total 600 vocabularies with the possible Best English Translation for your better understanding with our many years' experience in HSK and GCSE teaching. We also give HSK level classifications which will give you a cross reference for your Chinese standard. The vocabularies are classified into following 12 categories then ranked according HSK levels. 1 名词 míngcí Noun 2 动词 dòngcí Verb 3 形容词 xíngróngcí Adjective 4 代词 dàicí Pronouns 5 数词 shù cí Numeral 6 量词 liàngcí Classifier; Measure Word (MW) 7 副词 fùcí Adverb 8 连词 liáncí Conjunction 9 介词 jiècí Preposition 10 助词 zhùcí Particle 11 叹词 tàn cí Interjection 12 象声词 xiàngshēngcí onomatopoeia Many students call it "LIFE SAVING" for their exam. The book give a quick revision for your coming exam! Grab it! Thanks for your support for us creating better contents for you! It takes our years' painful effort to edit and please respect our copy rights.

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