Cooling Dishes for Hot Weather by Culinary Arts Institute & Melanie De Proft

Cooling Dishes for Hot Weather



Note: This edition of Cooling Dishes for Hot Weather has been updated to include Metric equivalents.

Hot weather is a challenge to the homemaker’s wit and wisdom. As temperatures rise, appetites languish, along with the will to cook. Menus must be devised that require a minimum of effort in the kitchen, present a maximum of eye- and taste-appeal on the table, and maintain the balanced diet that is nutritionally important in all seasons.

None of this is as difficult as it sounds or as it sometimes seems during a hot spell. Warm weather compensates any discomfort it brings by ripening fruits and vegetables in a hurry, creating an abundance of the foods that are most suitable for cooling dishes. Refrigeration is a blessing of our American land, available as an active help in warm-weather food preparation. Informality is the accepted mode of living when temperatures soar. This little book is designed to be the homemaker’s aide in wilting weather.

Topics include: Chilled Soups, Salads, Salad Dressings, The Relish Tray, Sandwiches, Something Hot, Desserts, Beverages.

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