What would happen if there were no bees in the world? It would be a disaster! Without bees, we would, of course, have no honey. But we’d also lose a lot of other foods and useful products like cotton produced by plants that bees pollinate. We would also lose the animals that eat these plants, and the animals that eat those animals! As far as important species are concerned, bees are at the top of the list – you really wouldn’t want to live without them!
You Wouldn’t Want to Live Without Bees! is part of a brand-new science and technology strand within the internationally acclaimed You Wouldn’t Want to Be series. The clear, engaging text and humorous illustrations bring the subject to life and stimulate young readers' curiosity about the world around them.
Specially commissioned cartoon-style illustrations in full colour make these books attractive and accessible even to reluctant readers. Information is conveyed through captions, labels and humorous speech bubbles in addition to the main text. Illustrated sidebars headed ‘How It Works’, ‘Top Tip’ or ‘You Can Do It’ supply more facts, describe simple, safe experiments, or steps that readers can take to help make the world a better place. Each volume includes a timeline and a list of ‘Did You Know?’ facts.