Personal Finance for Beginners & Dummies: Managing Your Money by Giovanni Rigters

Personal Finance for Beginners & Dummies: Managing Your Money


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  • Genre Personal Finance
  • Publisher Giovanni Rigters
  • Released
  • Size 194.08 kB
  • Length 32 Pages


Personal Finance for beginners. Your personal finance is your number one money priority in your life to get rich. Making small changes can lead to big financial outcomes, even to becoming a millionaire. We will explore 50 different personal finance tips that will not only boost your income, but will also make you more financially savvy, confident and prepared. Start now and change your financial future.

I will be sharing with you things that pertain to how you can save money. Why am I doing this? Why is it so important that you know how to save money? Why can't we just spend all the money and income that we make from our hard work and not think about tomorrow?

Before we get to solutions, I want you to know that the financial world is a volatile one, as such, anyone who wants to survive the volatility that comes with it must be armed with the right mindset, steps and tips.

You will discover the secrets to maintaining financial health which will also benefit you in other areas of life.


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