GENKI: An Integrated Course in Elementary Japanese I [Second Edition] 初級日本語 げんき I [第2版] by 坂野永理, 池田庸子, 大野裕, 品川恭子 & 渡嘉敷恭子

GENKI: An Integrated Course in Elementary Japanese I [Second Edition] 初級日本語 げんき I [第2版]


  • Genre Language Arts & Disciplines
  • Publisher Ohio University Center for International Studies
  • Released
  • Size 117.88 MB
  • Length 382 Pages


GENKI is an integrated textbook series widely adopted by many elementary Japanese courses at colleges and high schools in Japan, U.S., and other countries. It completes the elementary level study of the Japanese grammar as well as some 300 kanji and 1,100 vocabulary in the 23 lessons of GENKI I and II.

Filled with words and expressions that learners can easily relate to, this resource also provides a wealth of communicative exercises. Its learner-centered approach makes for fun and effective study―one big reason why GENKI is used in Japanese language courses around the world.

- Understandable grammar explanations written in English enable students to study by their own.
- As the GENKI series have textbooks, workbooks, picture cards, teachers' manual, the Genki-Online website, and applications for iPhone & Android, teachers can offer comprehensive instruction easily.
『げんき』シリーズは、初級日本語を「話す・聞く・読む・書く」の4技能にわたって学習する総合教材です。全2 巻・23 課で、初級の文法全般と漢字約300 字、語彙約1,100 語を学びます。



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