Reinventing Gravity by Balungi Francis

Reinventing Gravity


  • Genre Physics
  • Released
  • Size 256.17 kB


Balungi explains deep ideas in physics in an easy-to-understand way. Think Physics is a series aimed to solving the big problems in physics. The book targets topics that researchers and students spend time wondering about, like the origin of gravity and the universe. It also goes into the theories that seem right but are wrong and shows why they are wrong a rarity in science books. Think Physics series is a rigorously correct, lighthearted, and cleverly designed problem solving book for physicists of all ages.

*Has been tested, rewritten, and retested to ensure that you can teach yourself all about major unsolved physics problems

*Requires no math-mathematical treatments and applications are included in optional sections so that you can choose either a mathematical or nonmathematical approach. No Calculus

In this PART 4 of Think Physics series; Using a logical approach, Balungi invents a new theory of gravity. Balungi solves three of the most pressing problems in modern physics and cosmology. Because his modified gravity theory has stronger gravity than the standard model, it does away entirely with the need for exotic dark matter. It also explains the origin of the dark energy. Moreover, his theory has no vexing singularities.

Through the mathematics of the theory, he reveals the universe to be a different kind of place perhaps even a more straightforward and sensible place than we have been led to believe. His theory contains a new force in nature, a fifth force similar in strength to gravity. It makes its presence known beyond the solar system, in the motions of stars in galaxies, clusters of galaxies, and in the large-scale structure of the universe which is to say, in the entire universe. 

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