Quantum Mechanics by Introbooks Team

Quantum Mechanics


  • Genre Physics
  • Released
  • Size 181.09 kB


Quantum mechanics? Just hearing the name, we get sick. Itseems to be something complicated (and is), but here I will tryto explain this theory in simple terms. However, this does notmean that you will go to understand quantum mechanics. AsNiels Bohr said, "who says he understands quantum mechanics,you have not understood it." Does it look like somethingstrange, doesn't it? Yes so. Quantum mechanics challenges ourcommon sense.Quantum mechanics is the theory that describes the behaviorof the universe at the microscopic level; are composed ofatoms and subatomic particles and quantum mechanics explainsthe behavior of these basic units. Hence, the name: Mechanical(explain behavior) quantum (the microscopic world, thequantum).There are three explanations for this schizophrenic behavior ofnature at the level of atoms and subatomic particles, but noneof them are officially accepted by the scientific community. Wecan say that the most important is that quantum mechanicsworks, and explanations may be to philosophers.

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