Native American History by Introbooks Team

Native American History


  • Genre History
  • Released
  • Size 193.34 kB


The antiquity of Native American bounces back hundreds ofyears ago till the extant. The aboriginal inhabitants left theirmark in many climates and tribes in the form of ethnicities,relic's and registers made by the white voyagers. WhenEuropean explorers set foot on American soil and had dealingswith the tribes of now Peru, Canada and Mexico is whatmarks the beginning of Native American history.Their history is all about the tribes and the cities they built andsustained on fishing, hunting and fruits. They used urbaneform of trade and the later generations of the tribes also usedmoney. Most of the tribes were hoarders and hunters anddesired to keep their ways. The tribes battled amongthemselves for superiority but amalgamated the captured tribesinto their erudite political system which consisted of leading anumber of small lands and creating governmental frames.The tribes forgot their mutual enmities and stood one againstthe European settlers. However there were many tribes whosided the British just to avenge their rival tribes. At the time ofFrench and Indian War, the tribes fought for French or Britishbased on the side which their enemy tribe was. The history ofNative America is full of such coalitions and conflicts.This eBook discusses the ways of the Native American tribes.Their struggle for a decent life, their fight against the deadlydiseases and their position in the society of today.

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