Something Needs to Change - Bible Study eBook by David Platt

Something Needs to Change - Bible Study eBook



Something Needs to Change Bible Study eBook includes electronic content for eight small group sessions, personal study between sessions, applicable Scripture, “How to Use This Study,” and tips for leading a group.

David Platt took a trip to the Himalayan mountains that transformed the trajectory of his life. There he was confronted with staggering physical and spiritual needs unlike any he had seen before. On leaving, Platt found himself asking fundamental questions about his life and ministry. He realized that something needed to change.
Being confronted with suffering causes us to ask questions that, if we are honest, we would rather ignore. However, if we believe the Bible, ignorance of profound human need is not an option for us. Neither is indifference. We cannot be Christians and turn a blind eye and a deaf ear to the world in need around us. If those responses become the commentary of our lives and our churches, then one fact will be abundantly clear: we were not following Jesus on our journey through this life.
What does it mean to follow Jesus in a world filled with urgent physical and spiritual need? In Something Needs to Change, David Platt explores that question as he takes you on a mind-wrestling, heart-wrenching trek through the Himalayas—a life-altering journey of obedience to Christ.

Session topics:  
1. Repentance
2. Physical Need
3. Spiritual Need
4. Loving God and People
5. Opportunities
6. Counting the Cost
7. The One
8. Something Needs to Change

Eight small group sessions Personal-study opportunities between group sessions for ongoing spiritual growth
Benefits: Gain a sense of calling and purpose by considering ways God can use you to meet physical and spiritual needs. Observe Jesus’ response to urgent need throughout the Gospel of Luke. Take the next action step to which the Lord is calling you. Identify ways God may be calling you to pray, go, and give for the sake of His glory among the nations. Discover concrete action steps for getting involved in God’s mission. See the sights and sounds of Nepal through video teaching filmed on location. Refuse to stand idly by while people perish without hearing the name of Jesus.

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