500 Delicious Salad Recipes by Culinary Arts Institute & Ruth Berolzheimer

500 Delicious Salad Recipes


  • Genre Cookbooks
  • Released
  • Size 19.67 MB
  • Length 72 Pages


Note: This edition of 500 Delicious Salad Recipes has been updated to include Metric equivalents.

Salads have become increasingly popular in recent years, and with heightened popularity has come a greatly widened consideration of what makes a salad. Fresh crisp greens such as lettuce, chicory, romaine, escarole and watercress with white celery, cabbage and endive are as popular as ever. Indeed the vogue for the salad bowl has enhanced their favor. Added to these are the colored and cooked vegetables.

Fruit salads that are so American in origin and acceptance increase in popularity with every year and with the addition of every new variety. Indeed scarcely a fruit grows today but finds its place somewhere in a salad.

Recently there have been meat, poultry, cheese, fish, sea food and egg salads added to vegetables and fruits. These point to a new purpose for the salad, because in reality they are served as entrees or made the central theme of luncheon or supper. To this group have been added the molded salads whose beauty and lusciousness are bringing them rapidly into favor.

These and more will be found between the covers of this little book to be enjoyed by everyone who uses it.

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