Sell Antique Collectable Marbles on eBay by Avril Harper

Sell Antique Collectable Marbles on eBay



Let me tell you about my book which is designed to help you earn a good living from paying way below market value for a particular collectible in small general auction salerooms, and reselling your acquisitions for many times higher prices on eBay.

The type of collectibles we are looking at today are tiny spherical shaped objects, usually made of glass or clay, and they have been a popular pastime for children for hundreds of years.   Called 'marbles', these usually small items can sell for several hundred dollars, sometimes thousands of dollars or the equivalent in another country currency.  That's because, as you will shortly discover, this particular collectible sells worldwide, on and outside of eBay, but it's eBay we'll talk about today.

I freely admit to making good profits selling this particular collectible on eBay and I've heard a great many other people telling similar tales.

I've already passed on my experience of more than fourteen years selling this and similar items on eBay in my role as editor of London-based print newsletter 'eBay Confidential'. 

And now I want that very same knowledge and experience to help you spot a specific collectible lurking anonymously alongside mainly low value items and for you to turn your finds into high profits on eBay.

To tempt you to continue reading, take a look at these recent sales of marbles on eBay and the immense prices they fetched:

A 'Peltier Blue Galaxy Marble Aventurine' went for $1,526.99 and attracted 34 bids eBay's American .com site in April 2019.

A 'Handmade Art Glass Marble' by artist James Alloway made $1,525.00, also on in April, 2019.

A 'Murrini marble by Noble Effort', an artist, went for $2,609.58 in the United States on the first day of May, 2019.

A so-called 'Vintage Large Marble' with no other tempting details in the title made £2,440 on eBay UK in March, 2019, and another entitled 'Vintage Marble Green Swirl Large' went for £675.00.

If that sounds good to you, then please read on and I'll tell you all about how it's done.

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