Objective-C Cheat Sheet by Amit Chaudhary

Objective-C Cheat Sheet


  • Genre Programming
  • Publisher Amit Chaudhary
  • Released
  • Size 3.48 MB
  • Length 158 Pages


This book has covered the latest Objective-C programming language. Using Xcode 10.2  Use this book as a quick reference guide (like a cheat sheet) for Objective-C. Access any topic inside a chapter in just one tap.   For beginners and for dummies, this book is a step-by-step guide to understanding object-oriented programming with Objective-C.  If you are an experienced developer who knows at least one modern programming language well, then this book is designed to teach you how to think and program in Objective-C Programming language. Each topic is covered with clear and concise examples for Objective-C programming language. Each example is well tested on Xcode 10.2 I hope you find this book to be a useful and worthy addition to your library. I've had a great time writing it. Hopefully you'll have a great time reading and learning the latest version of Objective-C. I will keep updating this book to make it much simpler and more productive. Thank you for purchasing a copy!
-Amit Chaudhary, 26th March 2019

Chapters Covered in this book:  Basics Constants Variables Data Types Operators String and Characters Control Flow Collection Types (Arrays, Sets, and Dictionaries) Functions Blocks Enumerators Structures Classes Properties Subscripts Methods Inheritance Initializers Deallocation Protocols Extensions/ Categories Automatic Reference Count Type Casting/ Type Checking Error Handling


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